الأربعاء، 12 أكتوبر 2016

دورات البنوك / Banking & finance Courses / online banking / islamic banking

A L D I Y A R for Training & Consulting invites you to register and participate in our #training_courses (2016/2017) in #Banking & #finance #online_banking #islamic_banking
Effective marketing strategies for banking services
Marketing and investment banking strategies
Modern methods of accounting and banking analysis
Strategic Planning Business Banking
Planning and financial control in the banking sector
Banking and marketing best 23 bill to promote banking services professionally
Comprehensive electronic banking services - a future vision
Essential to work in Islamic banking principles
Modern concepts in e-commerce and banking services e
Integrated approach in the electronic archiving in banks
Leadership and behavioral skills for managers in the banking and financial institutions
Total quality management in banks
Banking strategy and the development of customer service management skills
Team building and management meetings for the purposes of the banking business
Marketing Islamic financial services
Develop supervisory skills in banks
Organization and management of office and secretarial work in banks and financial institutions
The development of management skills for managers of financial and banking institutions
Measure and improve production efficiency in the branches
Planning and marketing skills of bank credit to sectors
Preparation and presentation of financial reporting in the banking skills
Certificates accredited from:
#Florida_University of Science
#University of #Cambridge
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A L D I Y A R for Training & Consulting offers the possibility of implementing any of the programs that you suggest, according to the training needs in the most important and most beautiful cities in the world.
A L D I Y A R for Training & Consulting offers activities in training courses | Workshops | Conferences | Training seminars in the following areas:
1. #Management and #Leadership Programs
2. #HR programs.
3. #accounting and #financial #software
4. #Project_management software
5. #secretarial and #office_management_programs
6. #marketing and #sales programs
7. #legal and #negotiating programs
8. #Total_Quality programs and methods
9. #safety, #security and #occupational_health programs
10. The security and #military_affairs programs
11. #Public_Relations and #Media programs
12. specialized programs (#women / #tourism / #community #development ... etc)
13. #procurement and #stores programs
14. #Insurance and #statistics programs
15. #NGO programs (NGO)
For more info - kindly contact:
A L D I Y A R for Training & Consulting
Address: P.O Box 2506/21411 Sray - Egypt
Asel abdullah - Marketing Manager
Call US: +20 1156760959
Mob: +971 507147385 | +966 540900327
visit our Website to see our #training_plan for 2017

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