الثلاثاء، 18 أكتوبر 2016

دورات المكتبات الالكترونية Electronic libraries Courses

 دورات المكتبات الالكترونية Electronic libraries Courses
A L D I Y A R for Training & Consulting invites you to register 

:Training Courses
- Advanced training to specialist libraries and learning resource centers
- Use of statistical applications in the field of library and information for women
- Recent trends in the management and development of library holdings and information center
- Contemporary management of libraries and centers of information sources
- Digital transformation of the archives of traditional systems to - information systems in the public sector
- E-journals and handled in libraries
- Public relations and contact items to specialist libraries
- Digital libraries - an advanced level
- Integrated approach to prepare librarians and specialist centers and sources of learning
- TQM in libraries and information centers management
- Office information systems and electronic archiving management
- Construction and management of libraries and information centers sites on the web
- The development of research skills to specialist learning centers
- How to create an electronic library: organization, planning and management of libraries
- Workshop marketing information services in libraries and information centers
Certificates accredited from:
#Florida_University of Science
A L D I Y A R for Training & Consulting offers the possibility of implementing any of the programs that you suggest, according to the training needs in the most important and most beautiful cities in the world.
A L D I Y A R for Training & Consulting offers activities in training courses | Workshops | Conferences | Training seminars in the following areas:
1. #Management and #Leadership Programs
2. #HR programs.
4. #Project_management software
6. #marketing and #sales programs
7. #legal and #negotiating programs
8. #Total_Quality programs and methods
9. #safety#security and #occupational_health programs
10. The security and #military_affairs programs
11. #Public_Relations and #Media programs
12. specialized programs (#women / #tourism / #community #development ... etc)
13. #procurement and #stores programs
14. #Insurance and #statistics programs
15. #NGO programs (NGO)
For more info - kindly contact:
A L D I Y A R for Training & Consulting
Address: P.O Box 2506/21411 Sray - Egypt
Asel abdullah - Marketing Manager
Email: marketing@aldiyartraining.com
Call US: +20 1156760959
Mob: +971 507147385 | +966 540900327
visit our Website to see our #training_plan for 2017

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